Quick Tips
- Set up and populate your SaaS stack
- Integrate your ERP & accounting software with Sastrify
- Tool Discovery via SSO (Single Sign-On) discovery integrations
- Set renewal dates & reminders
- Assign and modify tool owners
- Upload your SaaS documents into Sastrify
- Sastrify App Support: Assistance at your fingertip
- Roll out Sastrify across your organization
- Sastrify's commitment to security and privacy standards
- Google Workspace SSO integration for tool discovery
- Enhance organizational SaaS management with HRIS Integrations
- Summary tab for storing your subscription details
- Use Discovered Page to detect active subscriptions
- Tools and Spend Importer: Easily upload and visualize data in Sastrify
- Align vendor names using the Tool Matching feature
- Add Sastrify App to your Slack workspace
- Manually add a new subscription
- Bulk upload of SaaS invoices
- Forward your SaaS documents via email
- Change notification preferences
- A quick glance at your stack using the overview page
- Manage activities and collaborate using custom tasks
- Task Automation: Streamline the creation of routine tasks
- Archive or delete inactive subscriptions
- Get expert procurement support for new purchases and renewals
- Create procurement support using Sastrify - Jira Integration
- Scope of service: Custom benchmarking & contract eview
- Scope of service: Negotiation & renewal support
- Scope of service: Custom SaaS Optimization Advisory
- Purchase your SaaS through the SastriMarket
- Control your cloud costs with SastriCloud
- Utilize Usage Analytics for full usage visibility
- Integrate Pleo with Sastrify
- Validate and fine-tune spend data with the Spend feature
- How to connect Microsoft Dynamics
- How to connect Netsuite
- How to connect Quickbooks
- Import spend data from Candis to Sastrify
- Import spend data from Spendesk to Sastrify
- Import spend data from Pleo to Sastrify
- Import spend data from Moss to Sastrify
- Import spend data from DATEV to Sastrify
- Zoom Usage Analytics Integration Guide
- ERP & Accounting Integration FAQs
- Discovery via SSO Integration FAQs
- HRIS Integration FAQs
- Usage Analytics FAQs
- Tools and Spend Importer FAQs
- Invoices FAQs
- Achieved & Potential Savings FAQs
- What is SaaS and Sastrify's scope of work?
- Who can invite a new user?
- Who receives the renewal alerts or reminders?
- How does Sastrify work with currencies?
- Is the spend data from accounting export always up-to-date?
- How to work with benchmark prices
- When and how to involve Sastrify in a contract evaluation or negotiation?
- How does Sastrify interact with SaaS vendors?
- How do you handle confidentiality clauses in vendor contracts?
- Does Sastrify handle SaaS contract termination?
- Why is contract data essential for benchmarking and negotiation support?
- Connecting your accounting software with Sastrify
- How to assign Tool Owners
- What Sastrify can do for Tool Owners
- How to set renewal dates
- How to set up a company-wide renewal reminder
- How to keep your tool stack updated
- How to set up, activate, and use a Workflow
- How to invite new users to Sastrify
- How to use Procurement Initiatives for new purchase & renewal
- How to collaborate using custom tasks
- Report issues and track procurement involvements
- Best Practices on how to work with Procurement Initiatives
- How to set up direct usage analytics integration
- How to set up SSO usage analytics integrations
- How to work with the Discovered tab
- How to use subscription tags
- Walk-through of the subscription detail page
What Sastrify can do for Tool Owners Print
Modified on: Fri, 2 Feb, 2024 at 2:05 PM
Learn about the main benefits of using Sastrify as a tool owner and what you can do to achieve them.
For more detailed instructions on this topic, see the following Knowledge Base article:
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