Sastrify benefits from unique partnerships with category-leading vendors around the world. You can take advantage of them by purchasing your licenses directly from us!

The benefits of buying SaaS through Sastrify

  • Significant savings through Sastrify discounts granted by the vendor
  • Streamlined internal billing through reduction of bills
  • Reduced complexity through simple ordering via Sastrify

How does it work?

  • Sastrify will provision the licenses on your behalf either through our market place or through the vendor
  • You are billed by Sastrify only
  • Terms & Conditions of the vendor and Sastrify apply
  • Depending on the licensing model of the vendor, contract commitments can be monthly or longer

What is the process?

  1. You express an interest in purchasing licenses through Sastrify by contacting your account manager.
  2. Together with the account manager, the Marketplace Team will check feasibility with the vendor.
  3. If the vendor accepts our request to sell to you, a proposal will be sent to you for signature.
  4. After the proposal has been signed, Sastrify will take care of the provisioning of licenses for you.

Note that depending on the vendor, the process can take a few days or up to a few weeks. Please approach the Sastrify team as early as possible, as last minute requests can be difficult to process.

Which tools can you buy through the SastriMarket?

... and more

If you are interested in a new software and you see that Sastrify is a partner of this particular vendor, do not approach the vendor by yourself. Instead, contact your Sastrify team, and they will set up a meeting with the vendor. This way, you will benefit from exclusive Sastrify discounts.