Tool Stack Management
- Set up and populate your SaaS stack
- Integrate your ERP & accounting software with Sastrify
- Tool Discovery via SSO (Single Sign-On) discovery integrations
- Set renewal dates & reminders
- Assign and modify tool owners
- Upload your SaaS documents into Sastrify
- Sastrify App Support: Assistance at your fingertip
- Roll out Sastrify across your organization
- Sastrify's commitment to security and privacy standards
- Google Workspace SSO integration for tool discovery
- Enhance organizational SaaS management with HRIS Integrations
- Summary tab for storing your subscription details
- Use Discovered Page to detect active subscriptions
- Tools and Spend Importer: Easily upload and visualize data in Sastrify
- Align vendor names using the Tool Matching feature
- Add Sastrify App to your Slack workspace
- Manually add a new subscription
- Bulk upload of SaaS invoices
- Forward your SaaS documents via email
- Change notification preferences
- A quick glance at your stack using the overview page
- Manage activities and collaborate using custom tasks
- Task Automation: Streamline the creation of routine tasks
- Archive or delete inactive subscriptions
- Get expert procurement support for new purchases and renewals
- Create procurement support using Sastrify - Jira Integration
- Scope of service: Custom benchmarking & contract eview
- Scope of service: Negotiation & renewal support
- Scope of service: Custom SaaS Optimization Advisory
- Purchase your SaaS through the SastriMarket
- Control your cloud costs with SastriCloud
- Utilize Usage Analytics for full usage visibility
- Integrate Pleo with Sastrify
- Validate and fine-tune spend data with the Spend feature
- How to connect Microsoft Dynamics
- How to connect Netsuite
- How to connect Quickbooks
- Import spend data from Candis to Sastrify
- Import spend data from Spendesk to Sastrify
- Import spend data from Pleo to Sastrify
- Import spend data from Moss to Sastrify
- Import spend data from DATEV to Sastrify
- Zoom Usage Analytics Integration Guide
- ERP & Accounting Integration FAQs
- Discovery via SSO Integration FAQs
- HRIS Integration FAQs
- Usage Analytics FAQs
- Tools and Spend Importer FAQs
- Invoices FAQs
- Achieved & Potential Savings FAQs
- What is SaaS and Sastrify's scope of work?
- Who can invite a new user?
- Who receives the renewal alerts or reminders?
- How does Sastrify work with currencies?
- Is the spend data from accounting export always up-to-date?
- How to work with benchmark prices
- When and how to involve Sastrify in a contract evaluation or negotiation?
- How does Sastrify interact with SaaS vendors?
- How do you handle confidentiality clauses in vendor contracts?
- Does Sastrify handle SaaS contract termination?
- Why is contract data essential for benchmarking and negotiation support?
- Connecting your accounting software with Sastrify
- How to assign Tool Owners
- What Sastrify can do for Tool Owners
- How to set renewal dates
- How to set up a company-wide renewal reminder
- How to keep your tool stack updated
- How to set up, activate, and use a Workflow
- How to invite new users to Sastrify
- How to use Procurement Initiatives for new purchase & renewal
- How to collaborate using custom tasks
- Report issues and track procurement involvements
- Best Practices on how to work with Procurement Initiatives
- How to set up direct usage analytics integration
- How to set up SSO usage analytics integrations
- How to work with the Discovered tab
- How to use subscription tags
- Walk-through of the subscription detail page
A quick glance at your stack using the overview page Print
Modified on: Fri, 28 Feb, 2025 at 4:51 PM
Your Sastrify Overview page isn't just your initial landing spot upon entering the platform—it's designed to be much more. It's an information-rich hub, providing a comprehensive view of your stack at a glance.
In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at each of the building blocks comprising the Overview page. We'll explore the functionalities of each element and discuss how you can leverage them to stay on top of your SaaS procurement.
- The Building Blocks
- Subscription Status Breakdown
- Tool - Spend Chart
- Overall Spend
- Renewal Calendar
- Quick Links for New Purchases
The Building Blocks
The Overview page serves as the initial landing spot upon logging into your Sastrify platform, and can also be accessed via the 'Overview' option in the left-hand menu.
Within this page, you'll find five building blocks or widgets, each designed with a specific purpose in mind.
These widgets collectively provide you with a comprehensive view of your SaaS stack, keeping you informed about ongoing activities and enabling actions directly from this central hub.
- Subscription Status Breakdown
- Tool - Spend Chart
- Overall Spend
- Renewal Calendar
- Quick Links for New Purchases
Subscription Status Breakdown
This widget provides an overview of the total number of subscriptions, accompanied by a detailed breakdown based on their status: Active, In Evaluation, Up for Renewal, Expired, and Discovered.
With this widget you can:
- Gain an overview of all your subscriptions, identifying those requiring immediate attention, such as renewals or expired subscriptions.
- Click on any status to access a pre-filtered view of your tool stack, showing only tools in that specific status.
- This functionality provides you with a ready-to-use list, enabling you to take immediate action to maintain the accuracy of your stack and stay on top of your entire tool inventory.
Pro tips:
- For "Expired" Subscriptions: as it often indicates a lack of complete visibility, we recommend clicking the link to perform a quick review. Determine which expired tools are still in use and which ones are genuinely inactive by adjusting the status of each tool accordingly. Learn how to do it here.
- For "Discovered" Subscriptions: The presence of "Discovered" tools signifies that Sastrify has detected new tools resulting from integrations you've connected. It's essential to regularly review tools with this status and promptly update them to "In Use". Learn how to do it here.
Tool - Spend Chart
This widget provides a visual representation of the top tools with the highest spend in your stack. The chart organizes these tools based on their Year to Date (YTD) spending, encompassing the period from the start of the year up to the present moment.
Understanding which tools have the highest spends is crucial for various reasons, including prioritization, budget allocation, and strategic planning.
By hovering over a specific bar chart, you can access additional details such as the amount of spend, the tool owner, and the renewal date.
Overall Spend
This widget enables you to easily view the total spend for both the current and previous year, alongside the savings achieved by Sastrify.
By providing this information, the widget offers a snapshot of your overall SaaS spending, allowing you to assess your organization's spending trends and compare them to the previous year.
To ensure the most accurate spend visualization, it's recommended to keep your spend data up to date. Here's how:
- Utilize Available Integrations: Connect to one of our available ERP/Accounting integrations. Ensure it remains connected to automatically sync your spend data. Learn how to do it here.
- Regularly Upload Accounting Exports/Invoices: If your accounting software isn't listed, you can still maintain up-to-date spend data by regularly uploading your accounting exports and/or invoices. This manual process ensures that your spend data is consistently refreshed and accurate.
The numbers displayed here align with those in your Tool Stack, while the breakdown of achieved savings can be accessed under Optimization > Savings.
Renewal Calendar
The renewal calendar features a detailed list of upcoming renewals alongside a visual timeline displaying renewals scheduled for the upcoming months. This layout offers a comprehensive view of your subscription renewals, enabling informed planning for the future.
With this widget you can:
- Gain a comprehensive overview of all upcoming renewals, with the option to filter for tools you own using the "My Tools Only" toggle. This feature provides a thorough renewal horizon for the upcoming months.
- Have a full view of all renewals, not just those scheduled for the next month, but also for the months ahead. Scroll down to see upcoming renewals or utilize the date adjuster for the visual timeline view. This functionality allows for seamless navigation and planning for renewals across different timeframes.
- Utilize interactive functionality by hovering over any item in either the upcoming renewals list or the timeline view. From here, you can access various actions, including viewing detailed tool information, initiating a renewal procurement, or reviewing details if the procurement initiative has already been created.
Pro Tips:
- Sastrify recommends initiating your renewal process well in advance, ideally at least 60 days - if not 90 days - prior to the renewal date. This timeline allows sufficient time for performing due diligence, engaging with internal stakeholders, and planning negotiations effectively.
- For all upcoming renewals, kickstart the process by creating a procurement initiative to streamline and manage the entire renewal process efficiently. Learn how to create a procurement initiative here.
Quick Links for New Purchases
At the bottom, you'll find a block featuring quick links to two essential features within Sastrify that support new purchases.
- The first link directs you to our Tool Store, an extensive SaaS database integrated into your platform. With over 20,000 tools available, you can explore the market offerings and identify tools already part of your stack, minimizing redundancy. Additionally, you can discover tools available in our SastriMarket.
- The second link leads to the Initiative page, providing a structured approach for organizing and initiating SaaS procurement efforts. This feature ensures that your buying process is conducted efficiently and effectively. Learn more about the initiative feature here.
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