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The customized intake form used in the Initiative feature uses an easy-to-use drag-and-drop approach to form design. You can simply drag what's called a component from the left column to the desired location on the form. 

Each component has a Display tab where you can set the general attributes or settings of the component, such as its label, placeholder, description, and tooltip

On the right side of each component page of Sastrify Form Builder, there is a Preview section that allows you to see in real time attributes or settings that will be adjusted on the left side of the edit page. 

This guide article outlines the description of each component provided to help you understand what each one is and to help you use them effectively.


Short Text

A Short Text can be used for short and general text input, making it an appropriate component choice for something like a cost center or department name.


A paragraph is a multiline input field that allows for longer text. This component allows you to control how many default rows are set in the text area, making it possible to accommodate multiple lines.It is an appropriate choice for a question type that serves as a field for descriptions.


The single select component is a field that allows users to select a single option from a list of options displayed in radio-style format. Users can click a selected option to deselect it, returning the field back to its original state. In edit mode, the Display tab is used to define the label along with its description and tooltip, while the Data tab is used to define and label the radio options.

When defining a list of radio options, you only need to make sure that you are labelling your options. The value column is automatically generated and serves only as a backend identifier. You can use the three-line icon or the hamburger icon to rearrange your options.



The multi-select component displays a list of values in a dropdown list where users can select one or more of the available options. In edit mode, the Display tab is used to define the label along with its description and tooltip, while the Data tab is used to define and label the check boxes.

When defining a list of select boxes, you only need to make sure that you are labeling your select boxes. The value column is automatically generated and serves only as a backend identifier. You can use the three-line icon or the hamburger icon to rearrange your options. 


The Email component is a string field that has special input validation to ensure that the data entered is in a valid email format. A valid email address consists of an email prefix and an email domain, both in acceptable formats - making it different from a short text component (see above). 

Except for the special validation, the edit mode looks and works the same as the short text component.


A Content component may be added to a form to provide non-field information such as contextual language, headers, or media. For example, if you need instructions at the top of a form that is for viewing only, or if you want to include a link to a document stored in your cloud repository, use the Content component.

A text editor is provided so that you can write, format, and edit the text that goes into this component, as well as insert images, links to videos, and tables. 


Similar to the Email field, the URL component is a string field that carries special input validation ensuring the entered data is in a valid URL format. Validation will check to see if the entered input data is at least in the correct format to potentially be a legitimate URL.

Date picker

A date picker component allows a date to be entered either from selectable dates in the calendar widget or by user input. The format field allows you to specify the format in which the date should be displayed, allowing you to customize the input to your organization's input preferences.