Getting Started
- Set up and populate your SaaS stack
- Integrate your ERP & accounting software with Sastrify
- Tool Discovery via SSO (Single Sign-On) discovery integrations
- Set renewal dates & reminders
- Assign and modify tool owners
- Upload your SaaS documents into Sastrify
- Sastrify App Support: Assistance at your fingertip
- Roll out Sastrify across your organization
- Sastrify's commitment to security and privacy standards
- Google Workspace SSO integration for tool discovery
- Enhance organizational SaaS management with HRIS Integrations
- Summary tab for storing your subscription details
- Use Discovered Page to detect active subscriptions
- Tools and Spend Importer: Easily upload and visualize data in Sastrify
- Align vendor names using the Tool Matching feature
- Add Sastrify App to your Slack workspace
- Manually add a new subscription
- Bulk upload of SaaS invoices
- Forward your SaaS documents via email
- Change notification preferences
- A quick glance at your stack using the overview page
- Manage activities and collaborate using custom tasks
- Task Automation: Streamline the creation of routine tasks
- Archive or delete inactive subscriptions
- Get expert procurement support for new purchases and renewals
- Create procurement support using Sastrify - Jira Integration
- Scope of service: Custom benchmarking & contract eview
- Scope of service: Negotiation & renewal support
- Scope of service: Custom SaaS Optimization Advisory
- Purchase your SaaS through the SastriMarket
- Control your cloud costs with SastriCloud
- Utilize Usage Analytics for full usage visibility
- Integrate Pleo with Sastrify
- Validate and fine-tune spend data with the Spend feature
- How to connect Microsoft Dynamics
- How to connect Netsuite
- How to connect Quickbooks
- Import spend data from Candis to Sastrify
- Import spend data from Spendesk to Sastrify
- Import spend data from Pleo to Sastrify
- Import spend data from Moss to Sastrify
- Import spend data from DATEV to Sastrify
- Zoom Usage Analytics Integration Guide
- ERP & Accounting Integration FAQs
- Discovery via SSO Integration FAQs
- HRIS Integration FAQs
- Usage Analytics FAQs
- Tools and Spend Importer FAQs
- Invoices FAQs
- Achieved & Potential Savings FAQs
- What is SaaS and Sastrify's scope of work?
- Who can invite a new user?
- Who receives the renewal alerts or reminders?
- How does Sastrify work with currencies?
- Is the spend data from accounting export always up-to-date?
- How to work with benchmark prices
- When and how to involve Sastrify in a contract evaluation or negotiation?
- How does Sastrify interact with SaaS vendors?
- How do you handle confidentiality clauses in vendor contracts?
- Does Sastrify handle SaaS contract termination?
- Why is contract data essential for benchmarking and negotiation support?
- Connecting your accounting software with Sastrify
- How to assign Tool Owners
- What Sastrify can do for Tool Owners
- How to set renewal dates
- How to set up a company-wide renewal reminder
- How to keep your tool stack updated
- How to set up, activate, and use a Workflow
- How to invite new users to Sastrify
- How to use Procurement Initiatives for new purchase & renewal
- How to collaborate using custom tasks
- Report issues and track procurement involvements
- Best Practices on how to work with Procurement Initiatives
- How to set up direct usage analytics integration
- How to set up SSO usage analytics integrations
- How to work with the Discovered tab
- How to use subscription tags
- Walk-through of the subscription detail page
Set up and populate your SaaS stack Print
Modified on: Fri, 28 Feb, 2025 at 4:41 PM
Establishing a solid foundation for efficient SaaS subscription management starts with consolidating your SaaS stack, which typically consists of a myriad of tools, into a centralized location. This process is the first step in providing organizations with a transparent and fully inventoried stack.
Sastrify serves as a powerful tool, empowering our users and admins to effortlessly create, update, and maintain their SaaS stack directly within the same application.
This article explains how to set up your SaaS stack and populate your Sastrify account with your current, active subscription list using one or a combination of the following methods.
- Using the Expanded List of ERP, Accounting Tool, and SSO Integrations
- Using an Accounting Export File
- Using a Subscription List File
- Uploading Invoices in Bulk
- Setting up Automated forwarding of invoices/Documents Via Email
- Adding Subscriptions Manually
Using the Expanded List of ERP, Accounting Tool, and SSO Integrations
Sastrify sees integrations as the core to intelligently and efficiently populate your tool stack with the detailed, accurate subscription list and ensure the ease of use and full functionality of the platform.
Track and manage your subscriptions and expenses by easily and seamlessly integrating your Sastrify account with your SSO provider and/or accounting software. We offer support for a number of integrations, including Netsuite, Xero, QuickBooks, Sage, Freshbooks, Zohobooks, and Pleo, as well as SSO providers like Google, Microsoft, Okta, and JumpCloud.
Once connected, your Sastrify account will automatically retrieve and update the list of current subscriptions and spends (spends only from the ERP & Accounting integrations), ensuring a streamlined and accurate view of your active SaaS usage.
You can view all the available direct integrations by going to Settings > Discovery.
ERP & Accounting integrations
Sastrify offers a wide range of ERP and accounting software that you can sync with to set up, populate and update your subscription list with the tools your company uses and pays for.
This method will discover your subscriptions and populate their spends from your company's accounting software. This is possible if you use any of the following software: Netsuite, Xero, Quickbooks, Sage, Freshbooks, Microsoft Dynamics, Zohobooks, or Sage Intacct.
For details on the ERP & accounting integrations including their setup guides, please refer to this article & this FAQ page.
Pleo integration (via Zapier)
Our Pleo integration enables you to easily import your SaaS expenses from your Pleo account into your Sastrify account using Zapier. When you add new expenses on Pleo, the spend data will be automatically added to the corresponding tool within Sastrify's spend tab. Please note that Zapier refreshes every 15 minutes, so new expenses will be pulled in at this frequency.
You can find a detailed step-by-step set up guide in this article & this FAQ page.
You must have both Pleo and Zapier subscriptions active to use this integration.
Single Sign-On (SSO) integrations
By connecting your Google, Microsoft, Okta, or JumpCloud, we will automatically detect and uncover any SaaS tools used by your company that is accessed via your company's SSO logins, in order to automatically import and update your subscription list.
When discovering new tools or subscriptions, Sastrify will list them in your tool stack under the Discovered tab. Here you will be able to review them to make a decision if these tools are part of your active subscriptions or not, you will be able to decide if you want to mark them as tools "in use" or archive them if they are not applicable to your company tool stack.
More details about the setup in this article and this FAQ page.
Using an Accounting Export File
As a secondary means, you can also set up and update your SaaS stack by using your accounting export files and uploading them to Sastrify. A feature called Tools and Spend Importer is available to support the self-upload process of an accounting export and turn it into a full stack list in Sastrify along with its spend visualization for each tool included in the file.
You can use the Importer for initial setup during onboarding and to keep your stack updated with its spend data, say every quarter or 6 months.
Some example accounting softwares are: DATEV, Candis, Spendesk, GetMoss, Pleo, Ramp, Brex.
⚠️ For every accounting export, the following fields are required:
* Although the US format is the default format of the platform, the importer also accepts an alternative format, such as the EU/DE currency format.
→ If the export has amounts in currencies different from the one your Sastrify account is set up to, we will convert the amount automatically to our internal fixed exchange rates. To ensure as accurate amounts to your internal records as possible, we highly recommend you either already convert the amounts to the Sastrify account currency, or provide us with the desired exchange rates for us to convert.
More details about how to use the Tools and Spend Importer in this article and this FAQ page.
Using a Subscription List File
Sastrify can generate and update your subscription list or tool stack by utilizing a list of you use to manually maintained your active SaaS subscription, such as a Google Sheet or an .xlsx file. This list typically includes details like vendor name, spend, tool owner, contract renewal dates, notes, and tags.
You can use the Tools and Spend Importer to upload your subscription list to Sastrify and instantly visualize all data points into a complete tool stack within your platform.
Below is a table detailing the required and optional data fields for each upload type, along with formatting notes and input values.
* Although the US format is the default format of the platform, the importer also accepts an alternative format, such as the EU/DE currency format.
More details about how to use the Tools and Spend Importer in this article and this FAQ page.
Uploading Invoices in Bulk
If you have your invoices stored in a designated folder, thanks to the bulk upload functionality in our Sastrify app, you can simply drag and drop the .pdf files. Our system will start working and automatically detect the supplier.
More details about the setup in this article.
Setting up Automated forwarding of invoices/Documents Via Email
This option allows you to set automatic email forwarding when an email from your vendor (with an invoice) comes in your inbox (or the accounting inbox, for example). Using email forwarding can be a convenient solution to push documents into a designated repository, streamlining the document management process.
More details about the setup in this article.
Adding Subscriptions Manually
The final way to create your subscriptions is to add them manually, one at a time. While this method may seem lengthy, and while this is not the primary step we recommend for setting up your entire SaaS stack, as the previous methods above have proven to be both efficient and effective, it does give you an additional option if you want to add an additional tool or two on the fly.
More details about the setup in this article.
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