Applicable to the following Sastrify plans:


* Legacy includes all plans signed prior to November 1, 2023 and labelled as "Starter", "Advanced", "Professional" or "Enterprise".


What is Tool Matching and what is it for?

In its simplest form, this feature is created and used to match the SaaS tools or vendors used by your organization as listed in your tool stack with those coming from the ERP/Accounting software you have connected to Sastrify. When the two match, we can fully ensure that data can flow properly from the source via integration to your Sastrify platform.

Sastrify's matching algorithm will still work to compare the vendor names we have in our extensive SaaS vendor database with the tools or vendor names retrieved via the integration. Those that we can match will be matched, and those that do not match can be matched by you with 100% control using this feature. You can also choose to ignore certain tools or vendors (i.e. those that are not considered SaaS or IaaS vendors).

How to access & use Tool Matching

To access Tool Matching, go to your Tool Stack > Tool Matching.

The feature comprises three tabs that categorize the types of matching states: Unmatched, Matched, and Ignored.

1. Unmatched

This tab lists all the tools or vendors that do not have a matching entry as indicated by the "Unmatched" status. There are a few reasons why tools and vendor names might not match:

  • Naming variations between what's listed in your Sastrify platform and your ERP/Accounting software.
  • While our database includes over 20,000 SaaS vendors, the rapid creation of new tools and companies means some may not yet be added.
  • Some unmatched vendors may also be non-SaaS companies.

To resolve this, you can manually match tools or vendors to those in your organization’s tool stack by selecting the appropriate entry from the drop-down menu next to each name or to choose the option to create a custom subscription.

If a vendor is not part of your tool stack, you can choose to ignore it by clicking the "Ignore" button, which will move it to the Ignored tab.


2. Matched

Here containsthe list of tools that have been successfully matched, with each having a one-to-one correspondence to a tool in your tool stack as indicated by the "Matched" status. 

If you identify any mismatches, you have the option to update or reassign these tools to the correct ones as needed by utilizing the drop-down menu next to each name.

3. Ignored

This tab contains all the vendors or tools that were marked as "Ignored" in the previous tabs. You can restore any of them by clicking the "Restore" button located on the right-hand side.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does Tool Matching work with vendors identified through the SSO Discovery Integration?

A: No, Tool Matching is specifically designed to support ERP and Accounting integrations. See below. 

Q: Why do I need to match vendors manually?

A: While Sastrify automatically matches the majority of vendors, there are some edge cases where a match can't be made. In these cases, manual review is necessary to ensure accuracy.

Q: What happens if I don’t match a vendor?

A: If no match is made, the data from the integration cannot be assigned to its correct subscription in Sastrify. To ensure the correct data flow for legitimate SaaS tools in the unmatched list, we recommend completing the matching process. If you don’t want to import the vendor, you can choose the "Ignore" option.

Q: What does “ignore” mean?

A: Ignoring a vendor means that no data related to that tool will be imported, and you will no longer be prompted to match this vendor. This action can be undone if needed by clicking the "Restore" button.

Q: Is anything automatically matched?

A: Yes, most vendors are automatically matched. If a new tool is detected by your active integration and doesn’t already exist in your Tool Stack, Sastrify will automatically create and match it.

Q: I cannot find the corresponding tool in the drop-down menu. What should I do?

A: Don’t worry! You still have the option to create a custom subscription. This will create a new subscription in your Tool Stack and move the respective line item to the Matched tab.