What are the minimum data requirements to set up our tool stack using either Subscription List or Accounting Export? What data is required and what is optional?

Upload TypeFieldRequired?Remarks
Subscription List
Renewal DateOptionalFormat must be in DD.MM.YYYY
Renewal FrequencyOptionalValue must be either:
Cancellation PeriodOptionalValue must be either:
X months
X days
Current Year CostOptionalThe format should ideally be in the US format (1.298,12 or 1298,12)*
Current Year Cost CurrencyOptional (Required if Current Year Cost is present)Value must be in format such as "EUR", "USD", "CHF", or a valid currency abbreviation.
Last Year CostOptionalThe format should ideally be in the US format (1.298,12 or 1298,12)*
Last Year Cost CurrencyOptional (Required if Last Year Cost is present)Value must be in format such as "EUR", "USD", "CHF", or a valid currency abbreviation.
Tool OwnerOptionalValue must be a valid “name” (e.g. John Doe) of an existing Sastrify user
TagsOptionalAccommodate up to 5 tags
NotesOptionalAccommodate up to 3 notes
Accounting Data
AmountRequiredThe format should ideally be in the US format (1.298,12 or 1298,12)*
Amount CurrencyRequiredValue must be in format such as "EUR", "USD", "CHF", or a valid currency abbreviation.
Invoice NumberRequired
DateRequiredFormat must be in DD.MM.YYYY

* Although the US format is the default format of the platform, the importer also accepts an alternative format, such as the EU/DE currency format.

If I accidentally upload the same spreadsheet multiple times, will these spends be recognized as duplicates?

No, the platform will not prevent duplicate spend if the same spreadsheet or spend data is uploaded multiple times and will treat all incoming data as legitimate inputs. However, the Spend feature with its Potential Duplicates tab will identify these duplicates and group them according to the tool name. You will be able to review and discard any duplicates from there. Read this article to learn more about the feature and its Potential Duplicates tab.

It's important to note that potential duplicates are identified daily, so they may not appear immediately after the initial upload.

If the renewal frequencies and dates of the tools listed in my file are different from those already listed in my company's Sastrify platform (of the same set of tools), will the import process overwrite the old ones?

The tools will remain as they are on your platform and will not be recreated. However, the process will overwrite the data associated with those tools (e.g., renewal date, renewal frequency) if it's different from what's in your platform. We do this to ensure that the information is always as accurate as possible.

Is there any readily available template I can use for uploading the Subscription List or Accounting Data?

Yes, you can use the templates provided in this article (scroll to the bottom of the page) or from the first page of the Importer (see image below). 

If the upload file contains a new set of tools that are not yet part of our active tool stack, will Sastrify be able to create new subscriptions as a result of the import process?

Yes, it will!

What happens if I upload an accounting export and the currency information is missing?


While we encourage you to perform a data preparation check before uploading a file to make sure all the required data is there, Sastrify has you covered here! 

In step 1, when you match the column, the importer will flag that there is no value found. All you need to do is select the currency of your choice from the drop down menu and it will populate the entire column with the selected currency. 

What is the row limit that the importer can handle?

Based on what we have tested and the testimony of a number of customers with large data sets, the Importer can accept and process the file with up to 500,000 rows. 

During the Vendor Matching phase in Step 2 (Review Vendors), do I need to ensure that all vendors are matched, and what happens to those that are not?

Basically, all vendors and all spend data coming from vendors will only be imported and displayed if they are matched. In other words, those that are not matched will not be imported and displayed. So please be sure to review the list and match all vendors in this step.

Can we clean up specific spend data from a specified time period and remove it from the platform? 

Yes, you can. Just go to the Imported tab on the Spend page. Use the Filter option to specify the tool, source, and/or date. Within the filtered view, select the spend data you want to remove and proceed with the deletion by clicking the button in the lower right corner of your screen.